3 Reasons to Pay Your Influencers

Even if you don't get the ROI you expected from an Affiliate. Should you still pay them?

As an ecommerce store owner or affiliate manager, you will eventually hire an influencer that will cost more than the return on investment you expected. It's inevitable. But should you still pay them?

‍YES. You should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS pay your affiliates. Here are 3 reasons why.

  1. As an affiliate manager, it's your job to do your due diligence on the influencers you recruit. You can try to maximize your return on investment by ensuring that there is a proportionate engagement rate to their following count - usually 1% to 5% is preferred. Even then, the result may not be as expected, but that's the risk you take with influencers.
  2. Your relationship with your affiliates is typically bound by a contract, either by your affiliate platform's terms of use or by the contract set directly with your influencer. The expectation is that they get paid for the post they share on their social media account, not the number of sales from said post. (Unless you negotiated those terms.) Due to this contract, the influencer can take you to court and use the contract to ensure they get paid plus you will likely have to pay their attorney fees and court costs.
  3. You can tarnish your reputation as an affiliate program and deter more sign ups. Remember, your affiliates are social media savvy, so their negative reviews can go viral, and bad news just happens to travel faster than good news. This will without a doubt hurt sales too. The negative reviews are posted for everyone to see.

Overall, it’s on you to make sure you are covered when hiring an affiliate or influencer. You can do this by ensuring the influencer has a decent engagement rate and that the contract allows for result based compensation. You can do this by negotiating a lower fixed fee and adding a commission on sales. That's what's so great about having an affiliate program of your own - you get to give influencers a link to capture commission on sales too.

Now get out there and get some influencers to join your Jump Affiliate Program so they have their own storefront and can capture a commission on sales too.

Looking for an Affiliate Platform to Help Grow Your Brand?

Jump is an all-in-one affiliate platform that can be used to recruit, manage, and pay your affiliates. Plus we are the only affiliate platform with scaleable affiliate storefronts!

You heard right! Your brand ambassadors can now have their own personalized storefront that lives natively on your website where they can suggest specific products, share UCG, share promo codes and more. Book a time below for a brief demo or click here to try it on Shopify Apps - for FREE.


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